Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Craft!

I had my friend lisa over yesterday simply because she had no power and was bored! :P We decided we would pretend to be 8 year olds and I dragged out ALL of my crafty things and we made christmas cards! It was good fun for a bit but got kinda boring after a little while, I think edible craft is more my thing!
Merry Christmas Everyone! 

Candy Cane Cookies

I did say I would post ALL projects! Pass or Fails!
So my candy cane cookies were supposed to look like this:

And this is how they turned out: 

It was much to humid the day I made them and the dough was way too soft even after an hour in the fridge. These are the only ones that really stayed together at all, I gave up after about 7 fails. I think that if I did them again I cold get them right, I just need to make them when it is a bit cooler, and not let them over cook! They were quite yummy though! Very crumbly, sort of like a shortbread but not buttery. 
If you want to give them a shot; check them out here! 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gingerbread house!

I made a gingerbread house for School last Thursday. I didin't chill the dough so it was very puffy but it was still very yummy. I plan to make the tiny Gingerbread houses very soon, you can check that out in my planning list! Here is just a few pictures.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


A few weeks ago I made karjalanpiirakat which are Finnish pasties. I had never made them before and they turned out pretty good! I used this recipe.

Before cooking:
After cooking: 

Candy Sushi

Now these were pretty awesome!
I made these one day with my little sister, we had an absolute ball and they tasted great to boot!
I used a great guide from Mommy Knows to make them. Definitely at the top of my list of cool projects! I plan to make them again but I want to find an alternative to the rollups because it seems Australian rollups aren't wide enough.

Cookie Monster Cupcakes

I made these earlier in the year and they were great fun!
I was following these pictures as a guide.

I couldn't quite get the entire cookie ones quite right and the coconut needed to be shredded more. 

Sleeping Teddy Bear Biscuits

This was a super quick project that I made for the reception class that I was volunteering with for a week. They loved them! I saw them at a school fair once an figured I had to try them!
If I did them again, I would probably use royal icing instead of just normal icing because it might set a bit stiffer and make a more realistic "blanket". Granted these were for a bunch of 5 year olds so I think normal icing was best.

Another cool tiny teddy recipe is Milky way cars!